The management traffic is kept isolated to a private internal network while the data traffic is allowed onto a larger public network. 管理流量单独放置在一个私有的内部网络中,而数据流量可以进入更大的公共网络。
Virtual private networks: These networks provide access control and data encryption between two different computers on a network. 虚拟专用网络:这些网络为同一网络内两台电脑间互相访问设置了访问控制和数据加密。
The Latest Progress in Optical Network Market Due to the requirements of the applications in telecommunications, specific equipments, military, space research and private data network, market of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA) will keep highly developing trends, which is very conspicuous. 全球光通信市场最新动向由于通信、专用仪器、国防、航天和专用数据网络等应用的需求牵引,半导体光放大器(semiconductoropticalamplifier&SOA)市场呈现蓬勃发展的势头,其发展前景引人注目。
This paper propose a private monitoring data transfer system by Internet, which based on ARM platform and SSL network protocol, and give the theoretical model and practical realization. 通过对各种传输媒介、移动设备、安全协议软件优缺点的分析和对比,提出了一种基于ARM平台、SSL安全协议的通过Internet网络传输的监控数据传输系统。给出了理论模型和具体实现方案。
VPN-Virtual Private Network is a data communication network technology that was built in public network depend on Internet service provider and other network service provider. VPN虚拟专用网指的是依靠ISP(Internet服务提供商)和其它NSP(网络服务提供商),在公用网络中建立专用的数据通信网络的技术。
It deducts a mathematics queuing model for private networks and calculates on computer emulation to get the parameters for network, which can be referred to Star data network's operation. 就专网中的星形数据网推导出数学排队模型,并进行计算机仿真,得到相应的网络性能参数,对星形数据网的运行具有指导性意义。
The principle of multi-protocol label switching virtual private network ( MPLS VPN) is described along with the configuration and router schemes of Guangzhou power dispatching data network based on MPLS VPN technique. 介绍了采用多协议标签交换技术的虚拟专网(MPLSVPN)的工作原理以及基于MPLSVPN技术的广州电力数据网组网方案和路由方案。
This paper focuses on an increasing mature Virtual Private Network ( VPN) technology which not only low the cost of building up long-distance data transfer network system but also meet the security requirement. 本文讲述一种利用日益成熟的虚拟专用网络(virtualprivatenetwork,简称VPN)技术,组建异地数据远传网络,它可以满足降低成本和保障数据安全两方面的要求。
VPN ( Virtual Private Network) is such a kind of technic that a private network is built in the public network, thus the data can transmit in public network through secure densification channel. 虚拟专用网(VPNVirtualPrivateNetwork)技术是指在公共网络中建立专用网络,数据通过安全的加密通道在公共网络中传播的技术。
Keys for Designing the Large-scale Private Data Communication Network 大型专用数据网设计要点探讨
Virtual Private Network is adopt assisted with data encrypting, fire wall in order to improve the reliability of the system network. 采用虚拟专用网提高控制系统网络的可靠性;针对系统跨平台、跨协议的特点,设计一条多协议的安全隧道,并使用数据加密、防火墙等技术来辅助提高系统的网络可靠性;
The Construction of a Private Data Communication Network by the Third Genaration Digital PABX 利用第三代数字PABX组建专用数据通信网
VPN technology, establishing a virtual private network for data communication among the public network, can realize the expansion of local area network and set up a safe and low cost coupling between remote user or branch organization and the intranet. 利用VPN技术在公用网络中建立一个虚拟的专用数据通信网络,则能实现企业局域网在公网中的扩展,使企业的远程用户或者分支机构同内部网络之间建立低成本、可信的安全连接。
Once the IPSec protocol establishes an encrypted tunnel, it can achieve data communications of point to point, or point to multipoint, and the secure VPN ( Virtual Private Network) network will be built. 一旦以IPSec协议建立起加密隧道,就可以实现点对点、点对多点的数据通信,从而构建安全可靠的VPN(virtualprivatenetwork)网络。